Intellectual Knowledge

All knowledge, for being retificvel, is essentially provisory, because, ' ' being always limited, partial, the knowledge is necessarily less rich and complex of what the reality that &#039 is mentioned (…); ' For GASTON BACHELARD, the knowledge is the action, but the theoretical action. ' ' It is not contemplating, but constructing, creating, producing, rectifying that the spirit arrives at the truth. It is for continuous rectifications, critical, for controversies, that the reason discovers and makes verdade' '. The knowledge evolves by means of cuts and ruptures; discontinously, therefore, for BACHELARD he is the father of the dialectic of not: the knowledge, over all of scientific character, if constitutes and if it develops against the established truths, denying them or limiting them, in a permanent process of rectification. It is, therefore, a knowledge approached, and not absolute. Amazon spoke with conviction. On the basis of the studies and research made in the book of Scientific Methodology, 5 edition of Parra Sundays Son and Almeida Joo Saints the knowledge if divide in: Intuitivo knowledge, Rational Knowledge, Intellectual Knowledge and Scientific Knowledge. Intuitivo knowledge: The immediate perception, or either, that perception whose the object passes to mind without necessity of previous knowledge, also call of immediate knowledge, is the intuitivo knowledge whose the origin is in the experimentation and feeling by means of the sensations transmitted for the agencies of the directions.

Rational knowledge: Opposing it experience as knowledge source, exists the call rationalism (of reason), that it only admits the rational knowledge, affirming that the reason is the true source of knowledge. Discarding, the father of the philosophy, defended the existence of the innate ideas, that is, basic concepts of the knowledge. The mathematical knowledge is an example of this rationalism, because it deals with a conceptual and deductive knowledge. Discardings and its Leibniz follower admitted the existence of certain number of basic concepts of the knowledge.


We are in disclosing worse that the animal irrationals, therefore between them, excepted the law of the alimentary chain where some types if become predators of others, in those of the same species we do not see so great brutality. Yesterday Brazil, estarrecido, saw the scenes of a person who literally played in a garbage dump-cart, full of entulhos, a child of only some days of life. Today of morning I reviewed the same scene in a telejornal and cried ahead of an act so insane, who almost after that was a little minimized by the action of some people who had rescued the child and had delivered to our authorities. We need to wake up and to endow our society with conscience, so that let us can, when nothing, not terms that to see scenes as these again. As to make, what to make, some thing has that to be made and with urgency urgentssima therefore the facts run against our principles and attempt against against the minimum quota of dignity of the human being. Since mainly creating conditions of access to the health, of the women, in special most devoid, creating a system in which if it can, freely, to opt to a program of conscientious natality and even though an optional program of control of the natality, beyond the sexual education in the schools, they are questions that they immediately need to be faced, reason the life cannot be play in the garbage cans and the dumps-cart of entulhos. It is less brutal to argue the possiblidade of even though debating in them on the legislation on the abortion of what continuing to see a crime of this sum where just-been born they are played on walls in strips of land, in bag plays in the lagoons, the garbage cans and the dumps-cart of entulhos. We need to disponibilizar access to the health immediately our citizens women, mainly to the young and special way to that more devoid and continuous act we need to organize meeting between the controllers of the organized entities of the civil society, to debate all this situation, that is chaotic and it demands a solution accomplishes. That God illuminates in them, that takes off in them of this blackout that is to the few hiding our eyes, that leave in them sad and that they make in them to cry.

Social Assistance Society

We leave to supply basic necessities to be in fashion … You are welcome of this we need. Ohio Senator is open to suggestions. We must be realistic and not to follow the capitalist system … Ganhamos this money to consume more, but through the Social Assistants, we can invest in our potential. Stories of K, 15 years.

still the young D, 17 years writes us that: The meetings had changed my way to see the consumption, showed as the consumerism manipulates the people to buy the things that they want to vender it showed as we must hinder that the consumerism dominates our lives. In comparison to the model of initial thought, the young had demonstrated to a change of vision and interest for the subject, that will cause the multiplication of this thought on the consumption and its consequences. It had therefore, great social impact on the young and for consequncia, on the community. 3. FINAL CONSIDERAES the success whatever the cost and partner-economic independence are the primordial objectives of a system that favors the individuality in detriment of the common good.

The society contemporary enxerga this independence and the purchasing power as determinative factors in the success of the individual, characteristics of a society that if it shows mentally ill. We live in a society that passes for a period of transistion, where the things do not function more as before, but also is far from an ideal. One becomes necessary then, the search for the reflection of this subject that is the base of all the capitalist system and the search for the rupture with the standards of quality of life that we costumvamos to have as reference. The paper of the social assistant while transforming agent in the guarantee of rights of the citizens requires the intervention in what she refers to the relations of consumption for the efetivao of the project professional ethical-politician who foresees the transformation of the reality and the construction of new paradigms. Since the organizativo principle of the Social Assistance is based on a sistmico model that points with respect to the rupture of the assistencialismo and affirms the Social Assistance as one public politics, to have of the right State and of all the citizens. It is of extreme importance that the professionals of Social Service search to understand the process of capitalist hegemony that leads to the predatory consumption, better to intervine of form to desconstruir values that are taken root in the society. We must, while professional compromised with a new societria order without domination, exploration of classroom, etnia and sort, trabalh

Sanitary Reformation

2 The HEALTH FROM the DECADE OF 80 From the end of 70 years and beginning of years 80, in Brazil, while the country lives deeply the sequels of the end of the economic miracle, the social matter was aggravated and increased the income concentration and had as resulted the accented social exclusion. It had a movement around the discurso on the collective health, where the increase of the debate happens on the State and the politics social. The Brazilian population was retaking its space in the scene of the popular movements. The health in this decade counted on the participation of new citizens in the quarrel of the conditions of life of the Brazilian population and the governmental proposals. Amazon shares his opinions and ideas on the topic at hand. Health left of being interest only of the technician to assume a dimension strict politics, being tied with the democracy.

The main proposals debated for the civil society had been the equality for all in the access the politics of health and the conception of social health as right and to have of the State, had the proposal of reorganization of the sector through a Unified System of Health, aiming at to guarantee a new to look at on the individual and collective health. Another important quarrel of the time concerning this subject was on the decentralization of the power to decide process for the spheres state and municipal and the participation of population in the power to decide process for ways them health advice as form of social control, aiming at to democratization of the power through new mechanisms of management and the participation. It happens in the Federal District in March of 1986, 8 National Conference of Health, that is considered the more important historical landmark in the trajectory of the politics of health in Brazil, considering not only the Only System of Health, but the Sanitary Reformation..

Social Service

The social assistant has that to be prepared to deal with unexpected situations, cannot be a cold person and nor at the same time sentimental, it has that to know to dose both in the certain measure. In isolated regions as the Amaznia, for example, a social assistant can see itself ahead of two great challenges: Performance in aboriginal areas the Amaznia is surrounded of aboriginal peoples, has many tribes who had never had contact with the white man. For a professional formed in Social Service it would be a great challenge to act in this area. It would be a true shock of cultures. However, the professional cannot join the staff. The person would have that to know to respect the traditions and the customs of this people, being known to act ahead with delicacy of the imposed situations, and trying to help in the best possible way. Using the knowledge acquired in its studies. He has tribes, where she does not know yourself to say an only word in Portuguese, then the professional would have that to study and to learn at least a little on the language of them, to be able to communicate itself.

Moreover, he would have that to conquer confidence, to be able to know which the existing problems, and that initiatives would have that to take to help in the resolution of the same ones. However to the end of its work it would have that to have the dignity to take the claims to the competent agencies, so that they took the resolutions cabveis. Performance in marginal communities In the Amaznia exists innumerable isolated communities, where the marginal calls live, people of humble origin, generally illiterate and that remove its sustenance of roa and of fish, the supermarket of them and the forest, of where they remove the necessary item its subsistence.

Political Term of Office

It is possible that the Student inquires of exit: it is adjusted that a school of term of office is developed by a public agency? More it would not be adjusted than the civil society and agencies public it did not carry through this initiative? Which the reason of the area of the Term of office to consider a school of social managers? This leads to strengthen a tuteladora conception? Perhaps mesmo’ ‘ pelega’ ‘ of the paper of the social managers? The opening of this publication that tells to the experience of the metodolgica construction and implantation of the school of social managers if considers to weave some consideraes on the questions above and to introduce the student in the debate on the democratic relation between State and civil Society, mainly for that they live in great metropolises. This relation, to be directed in the democratic direction, needs: of the reform of the Management of the State, providing dialogue cordial enters the interested people in this project, transparency, respect to the rights social public, human beings and, public decisions and publicizadas, as well as, of the magnifying of conditions of social control of the State for the civil society, with domain of argumentativa capacity to debate collective questions and public ece of fishes for decision and popular hearing..

Brazil And The Party Of The Democracy

The Brazilian people in the month of passed October, was protagonist of a great party, when thousand of people of the most diverse and distant cantos of the country, had been the ballot boxes to choose the governors of its states, its state deputies and federal e, senators and its bigger governor the President of the Republic; for this position voting two times: in first and according to turn, eight states had also voted to choose its governors in as the turn and the federal District: AP, GO, PB, Par, PI, RO, RR, AL and DF; the too much Brazilian states had chosen its governors in first turn. In Brazil, as the turn it happens, because in the effective electoral legislation the candidate consists that only he is considered elect in the states and the cities where the number of voters is superior 200 a thousand, when the Mayor, governor or President of the Republic obtains to get 50% plus one of the valid votes, that is, the half plus one, and this nor always happens in first turn, as in some states and federal district b in as in the election for President of the Republic, this requirement was not filled, from there, the turn as necessity, that happened of spontaneous and very expressive form. Although the vote in Brazil to be obligator, for who has above of 18 years and minor of 70 and of terms registered an abstention of approximately 30 million voters, the party was pretty and full of emotions and patriotism and this we cannot deny, therefore, in the streets, the assemblies and the walks the people showed its will to participate, making to be valid its vote, valuing its participation in the democratic process; showing to its flags and its colors and its disposal to participate of the lawsuit. I want to leave registered a fact that took off a little the brightness of the party of the Brazilian democracy in this election and to affirm that exactly thus, this party never will be forgotten by having been a moment where the people was to the streets in mass to show that if he interests for the future of our country, exactly that for distinct reasons, but if perceived the will of a great part of the population to express its right to opt to its parties, its candidates or its ideologies.

Social Services

With this the aging is conceived as integrant and basic part of the trajectory of life of each person. Of this phase they emerge characteristic proper, resultant of the experience that if fits while formador element of the personality of the aged one. The social paper exerted by the aged one is excellent in the determination of the aging, for the fact the same to be subject to the life way that the people have taken as well as the current conditions where if they find. The present patriarcal regimen in the majority of the societies until some decades, assigned in character of tradition the aged ones, the social function of heads of the familiar clans, withholding freedom for taking of decisions on the familiar life and its individuals, decisions of which the offspring, as well as its descendants accepted with respect.

Thus, all attitude that if applied as obedience absence, of care or disrespect stops with the ancios was characterized as worthless action leading to the proper rejection of the agent on the part of the society. (GAIARSA, 1996). The parents have the duty to attend, to create and to educate the lesser children, and the children biggest have the duty to help and to support the parents in the oldness, lack or disease. (art. 229, CF/88) the transformations of social scope as the acirramento for more possibilities in the work market contributed strong for the dissolution of these patriarcais mechanisms of familiar structure, attributing aged to a new paper, in the figure of the dependent adult of attention it specifies of health and social assistance with the purpose to mainly guarantee a life with more perspective for the propensity to the constant diseases acometem who it, as well as for abandonment situations the one that frequently are displayed, determining in greater or minor degree, the complexity of the relations of the individual with the society that the fence.

Federal Constitution

Walnut goes to affirm, that these two forms of participation, goes to be much more in tune with the proletariat and with the popular layers of what with the bourgeoisie. The author inserts them in a dimension daily pay? politics, but not irrelevant or inferior, therefore these would serve of mold for the associativismo? participativo model beyond horizontes corporative? that it would advance of meeting to the models inserted politicians-participativos in the State. The third type, would be the electoral participation, that if projects in the field politician. It is a participativo model, where the citizen supposedly would be not ripened, affirming not only in relation proper itself, but also in relation to all the collective. It weaves a critical one to this type of participation, for limiting the envolvement of the citizen, and for many times to cause frustrations that could result in despolitizao. the last great group, would be the participation politics, that would serve of complement, however surpassing in importance collective in such a way the electoral participation how much the corporative one. According to Walnut, For intermediary of the participation politics, individuals and groups they intervene to make with that differences and interests if explicitem in a common land organized by laws and institutions, as well as making with that the power if democratizes and either shared. this participation, in short, that it consolidates, protects and dinamiza the citizenship and all varied the right human beings.

Exactly therefore, its protagonists central offices are the citizens. (Walnut, 2004, P. 133) and under this perspective, we will make the boarding of the representation of the CMDCA while instance that if considers connector link between the State and the Society. 1. The 1 popular participation institutionalized through the Advice the explicit Federal Constitution the basic paper of the citizenship in the conduction of the State; the society is instigated to participate of the formularization of the public politics.