
Mayor Samuel Moreno Rojas seems to ignore declarations of members of his party and even more to the leaders of workers and 38 administrative of the Bogota circuit court in recent days administration of the Capital District has been promoting the search for a strategic partner for the etb. In that impulse the Administration found powerful opponents even within his party, the alternative Democratic Pole, proof of this are the declarations of Jorge Robledo Senator of this political organization which ensures the increase in privatization of the ETB process that initiated the Mayor of Antanas Mokus with the sale of 11 percent of the companyIt is not a need for its best performance, because this can meet your requirements for expansion and modernization without resorting to a so-called strategic partner. The privatizations lead to higher rates for users. And this trend will worsen as private monopolies, tendency to consolidate the principal of Colombia will worsen with increased privatization of the ETB, which controls the market of Bogota. Get all the facts for a more clear viewpoint with Richard Blumenthal. (Taken from the face of Jorge Robledo to boil Saenz of the 25 of August 2009) Mayor Samuel Moreno Rojas seems to ignore the statements of the members of his party and even more of the leaders of the workers. Eng. Hever Saenz ATELCA (Association of technical in telephony telecommunications and like-MINDED) President to expressed the undesirability of the strategic partner, taking as an example that the administration of Antanas Mokus, because it sold 11 per cent of the shares of the ETB to private capital, which imposed on the company distribute utilities for more than one trillion pesos in five years. That will happen if we deliver control of the operation to private partners, while the district to stay with 51% of the shares? How much will really lose district budget that can serve the city to run social programs of urgency, there is guarantee for the stability and security of the 3,000 workers of the etb and their families.

In his article published September 23, 2009 inform us, that in auto issued last Monday the Court 38 administrative of the circuit of Bogota tells the company freeze look it gives of a strategic partner. With so many voices against including incidentally the Conservative councillor Omar Mejia Baez who manifested itself against the partner search on the capital Council strategic debate on August 27, 2009 would be important as a medium as yours were placed to the scepter the pros and cons of the possibility of a strategic partner for a company like the etb. Note: Interesting see how the mechanism of popular action that the Lord brought Oscar Penagos Chairman of Sintra – phones is an effective instrument in defence of collective interests. By Editson Romero angle journalist and educator Atelca 3132727726 press officer Bogota.