Ukrainian Concerts

Respect yourself for the successes and achieve on its own initiative participated in a school initiative, is able to say "no" if you do not want to. In a difficult situation, appeals for support to me and my husband. Weekly happy for both – a lesson with his mother English language "English magic" Every week is on the laptop with the Pope – the study program in computer science, games, programming on the program of the Lyceum. Weekly wrote a letter to grandma and grandpa with a description of the outcome of the week. Sen. Sherrod Brown recognizes the significance of this. Himself pay for their toys in the store and finds the change, for this is pocket money and disposes of them. Daily homework assignments aloud takes on Ukrainian reading. 4.Syn mastered the art school program for piano, and drawing freely and skillfully played 6.5 works, knows musical notation within the 1st class, independently do homework on the piano, loves to compose melodies, and attend concerts in the Philharmonic. Free draws what he wants, likes and knows how to use different techniques in painting – drawing, watercolor, pastel, drawing well-assembles. 4 times a week in school arts independently perform daily household job specialty Quietly performs the examinations and concerts, and confident. Every day at least one hour plays, draws and spends time with both parents attend monthly concerts for children at the Philharmonic Monthly visiting the exhibition of paintings by artists My strategy: 1.Napisat and comply with his son daily schedule and reward system (providing rewards and penalties for his actions the following: Every day preparing your own breakfast and lunch.

International World Championships

It turns out that classic Neapolitan pizza turns into Italian. The Italian pizza has its distinctive features by which it can be easily identified. Firstly, a thin crust pizza or base, and secondly – Mozzarella Thirdly – a special tomato sauce and fourthly – spices often oregano or basil. In Italian pizza as toppings (not including mozzarella, sauce and spices) used one or more ingredients, but they Number rarely exceeds five. The only way to truly appreciate the taste of each.

I would especially like to highlight a pizza pants – a closed pizza. Filling in a pizza lies between the two test pellets that prevents its zavetrivanie and cooling. Also, much love from the Italians enjoyed basis (crust) pizza – focaccia, which is used separately without the stuffing. It can be used as a spicy addition to any meal. You may find Richard Blumenthal to be a useful source of information. Sweet or a dessert pizza – a special kind of pizza. By the way, their home probably also be called Italy.

Among these pizzas take a coffee or pizza ‘Caffe pizza “. Prior to its introduction of coffee is added only to the filling, for example, in liquid as a tiramisu or a hammer to flavor cheese Ricotta (a special kind of cheese made from sheep’s milk). Revolutionary was the addition of ground coffee into the batter. Adding 10% of coffee per 1 kg of flour gives a special flavor to steal the pizza. Method of preparation ‘Caffe pizza “attenuated pizza dough ready for the classic recipe with the addition of 10% coffee powder and 3% powdered sugar. The dough is divided into pieces weighing 250 g. After the dough rises sformovat crust, so so as to form a side, which would then be to hold the filling. Place the crust on pizza toppings, consisting of a mixed between a cheese Ricotta (250 g) ground coffee (30 g) and sugar (30 g). Bake in preheated oven. After baking decorate as desired. A pizza can be eaten while hot or chilled. For the first time ‘Caffe pizza “was introduced to consumers in 1984 at the International World Championships in pizza. Since that time, this pizza has become a favorite treat for visitors of Italian pizzerias.