Specialized Police Station

In a study carried through in the specialized police station of attendance to the woman, Brando (2006) observed that amongst the considered factors aggravations, that tend to stimulate the denunciation, are: the fact of the aggression to have occurred in public; to have left mark in the body of the victim; the responsibility of the maternity, in the direction to protect the children and the victim to have suffered pressure from familiar, employers or lawyers to make denunciation. Regarding this last one, ironically, this same motivation is used with inverse intention, appearing in the occasion of suspension of the denunciation, as justification of a decision impensada, influenced for third. This process of suspension of the complaint appears as a phenomenon of extreme importance and that it more deserves a deepened study, since it can mean a silenciamento of the violence and a return to the submission to the aggressor. E, in fact, many times really means this, however, it has diverse other factors that can act in the suspension of the denunciation. In general, the women who look the aid of the policy of the police station of the woman, search a form to contain its violent partner, to righten it so that the aggressions the one that they are victims cease. However, the majority of they do not demonstrate the intention of that its legally punished aggressor either or that is imprisoned, what takes the majority of them not to give continuation to the denunciation, leaving of side, or even though directing it the police station end to remove the done complaint. Such attitudes make it difficult of certain form, the action of the policemen, therefore these, ahead of the objectives longed for the victims and of the little availability of these to make the register of the occurrence and to follow all the procedures necessary to incase the complaint in the legal parameters, disable the determination of a punishment formal legalized. .