Social Assistance Society

We leave to supply basic necessities to be in fashion … You are welcome of this we need. Ohio Senator is open to suggestions. We must be realistic and not to follow the capitalist system … Ganhamos this money to consume more, but through the Social Assistants, we can invest in our potential. Stories of K, 15 years.

still the young D, 17 years writes us that: The meetings had changed my way to see the consumption, showed as the consumerism manipulates the people to buy the things that they want to vender it showed as we must hinder that the consumerism dominates our lives. In comparison to the model of initial thought, the young had demonstrated to a change of vision and interest for the subject, that will cause the multiplication of this thought on the consumption and its consequences. It had therefore, great social impact on the young and for consequncia, on the community. 3. FINAL CONSIDERAES the success whatever the cost and partner-economic independence are the primordial objectives of a system that favors the individuality in detriment of the common good.

The society contemporary enxerga this independence and the purchasing power as determinative factors in the success of the individual, characteristics of a society that if it shows mentally ill. We live in a society that passes for a period of transistion, where the things do not function more as before, but also is far from an ideal. One becomes necessary then, the search for the reflection of this subject that is the base of all the capitalist system and the search for the rupture with the standards of quality of life that we costumvamos to have as reference. The paper of the social assistant while transforming agent in the guarantee of rights of the citizens requires the intervention in what she refers to the relations of consumption for the efetivao of the project professional ethical-politician who foresees the transformation of the reality and the construction of new paradigms. Since the organizativo principle of the Social Assistance is based on a sistmico model that points with respect to the rupture of the assistencialismo and affirms the Social Assistance as one public politics, to have of the right State and of all the citizens. It is of extreme importance that the professionals of Social Service search to understand the process of capitalist hegemony that leads to the predatory consumption, better to intervine of form to desconstruir values that are taken root in the society. We must, while professional compromised with a new societria order without domination, exploration of classroom, etnia and sort, trabalh