Saint Antonio Party

The water lack also was a problem. The supply was located in a place of difficult access, the supplying was given by means of the tank of the Santa Cruz. In the period of the population dries of 1932 sufficiently was punished, as much in the agricultural zone as in the city. According to D. Cristina (2003) ' ' it was a calamity, the people passed hunger, I I had a brother that square came all day pra to search water in the bomb, water saloba, it was who supplied water back in casa' '.

(NORONHA, 07/01/2003). According to deposition Mr. Bartolomeu (2003), in the 1932 winter did not have rains disabling the farming creation. Drawing out for all the summer, the cattle died, the cassava not it sprouted provoking the lack of the flour what it caused hunger. In the agricultural zone the people dislocated themselves for an enormous distance to obtain water. Although the difficulties faced for the population that were the edge of the public administration, had in the city the festividades, detaching the religious parties: the traditional party of Saint Antonio and Ours Lady of the Conceio, where if it carried through congress.

To commemorate, the priest ordered to decorate the streets, the population helped with enthusiasm, congregating itself in group and each was in charge carrying through a task in order to decorate the streets for where the image went to pass. The procession became fullfilled in the sunday the afternoon. Another traditional party was feirinha of Christmas carried through in few days. The toys: trivolin, wave, rocking cheered the crianada one. To make to put into motion them she was used the force human being. The raffle, the game of cuca, the game of baralho, served to distract the adults and also it counted on bazaar. The called carnival of Micareme was another party of popular matrix that made the animation of the city.