Return Passports

Kassandra passport can be changed at the consulate or embassy of Ukraine in Germany, contact them or see their website for more details. But inside, most likely, will have to change at home. Tatiana28 What are the passport can change without an internal Ukrainian passport? How do I know a passport varies based on the internal. How can that be then? Possible with different passports, then live? Kassandra No, me first inside, then the passport on the same name. So it is unlikely to succeed without a trip to his homeland, if only in Ukraine may change a passport without the personal presence (for example, by proxy). lorella Such difficulties because of change of name.

And so must it change? May be better to leave your name? Or is it because you do not like? In some countries, for example, is not accepted her husband's name, only the children write on their husband's name. Kassandra I completely agree, by the way, I did not change his name. Just do not All foreigners pronounce our names. So the logical abroad to live with a local name, but it's as anyone. lorella Yes, and very often make mistakes in the translation of her husband's surname in the Roman script, and there are many problems with the alteration docks and a long time is everything. And yet the right driver needs to be changed (if they were on a different surname). Rav Name change in passport overseas with no problems. In order to change the name, you must provide the consulate of Ukraine needed paper, such as marriage certificate and a copy translated into the Ukrainian language, be legally on the territory of, well, there be a temporary consular registration, etc.