Purpose Of Law And / Or Legal Values

The right, as any work of man has been created for something, you have an ultimate goal which in turn is his reason for being. What is that "something" that the right want to achieve? Where do legal science is conducted? What are the values that are part of their "being" and that while he wants to enter the global society? We touch here the interesting question of the essence of law. For GERMAN ROJAS GONZALEZese "something" are the fundamental values of society. Others are the same legal values of all legislative system. The end is only the proposed point of arrival or the point where, lately, we've come. The end of a route. The point from where we can no longer further.

The ultimate achievement of an action, of an existence of a being. But do not forget, means the point where "we" arrive. The item proposed by our own reasoning as a stage where we want to achieve the ideal reach. The purpose is also implicit in the concept of desire, longing, aspiration. This ambiguity of expression is not uncommon to find authors as important as saying the same Aftalion Justice, the common good, peace, equity, security can never be considered as an end, it can never be achieved. "The end state is a proposal to our freedom as a point of arrival, a situation which is reached when the end actually performed. A goal is a state which is reached and, once achieved, must be abandoned, since the creative freedom of life can not stop.