Presidential Election

‘ ‘ maior’ ‘ , ‘ ‘ the politician most popular of mundo’ ‘ in Harward, it said in last day 02 of April. More than passed six years of the election of the petista for the Palace of Plateaus, he was proven that the president is not an idiot, as the elite tried to show in 2002. What the dominant group if forgot is that the knowledge is not only summarized to the pertaining to school environment and or college student: the learning also occurs in the practical one. It is therefore that the current president is successful, therefore is auto didta, that it can explain, to its way, much on relations of perhaps being able and politics, very better that many understood professors or on the subject. Perhaps president Lula does not know what she means H2O, Ribossomos or tectonismo. Probably most of the readers of of this also does not know it. However they exist assessor in diverse degrees to assist it.

But what it fits to know a politician, Squid teaches in them. In 2010 the elite will not be able to call the president ' ' burro' '. She made when it, it was she-ass and prejudiced, what for signal, it she is peculiar. She offended beyond all who if form is not superior. Probably the Dilma is not the successor of the Squid. This minister was placed as probable successor, so that she received the attacks from the opposition, in the same way as she occurred in ‘ ‘ Mensalo’ ‘ that by the way, we foramlegtimos. Soon after ‘ ‘ Mensalo’ ‘ , after knocking down until Jose Dirceu, all the powerful presidencivel, they had not obtained to initiate a process of impeachment and still they had lost democratically in the ballot boxes, reelecting Squid. Today the media is notifying that the Dilma wanted to kidnap the Dolphin Grandson, ‘ ‘ o’ ‘ minister of the ditatorial period.