The site NEWSLAND 31.01.2011 15:10, published an article the author kolya_lukoilov under the name "130 million people do not fit into the market economy?" The article is written based on the well-known for several recent books Parshev "Why Russia is not America." The main idea of the article lies in the fact that under the present conditions, Russia will never be able to get out of a deep economic crisis and its fate awaits the inevitable collapse into separate territorial entities and considerable (several times) decrease in population. Since the question for me was quite interesting, and commentary articles on the site is limited technical capacity, especially as the unfolded debate on the discussion paper was not wearing a deeply analytical, but only limited appeals and slogans, I let my notes in substance to publish here. Setting aside the specific numbers which the author cites the processes taking place in Russia, then the logic article is based on two fundamental theories – the theory of Darwin, with its final conclusion that the "survival of the fittest" and the theory of Malthus inevitable overpopulation of the planet Earth, with consequences of regulation is inevitable in its population. Described in the book and paper scenario is quite logical and seems very real and plausible, especially since the figures quoted by the author and the course of contemporary events, only confirm its successful development at this time. But there is nothing new in the submission there is a different matter that most of the people had not thought about it (or do not want to think).