Natural Resources

Leading Russian environmentalists have expressed support for government decision to transfer management of protected areas in the Ministry of Environment. President of the Russian Bird Conservation Union Viktor Zubakin noted that the idea of consolidating control reserves, national parks and sanctuaries in the federal one federal body of executive power more progressive. The head of WWF Russia's Igor Chestin also noted that "the issue of managing reserves directly related to the creation of a single body for the protection of the environment '. Sachs. But the deputy head of Rosprirodnadzor Alex Akulov criticized the transfer of reserves in the management of the MEP. He called the transfer occurred almost hundred nature reserves and national parks dozens of his service in the management of Ministry of Natural Resources illogical. According to Akulova over the past two years, service has a serious and laborious work to systematize and streamline the activities of PAs Russian regions. Get more background information with materials from Sen. Sherrod Brown. And to throw PAs and fro within the agency, according to deputy head of Rosprirodnadzor Akulova not make any sense. The cause of the collapse of the Mi-8 helicopter was in the Altai argali in illegal hunting from the air 9 January in the mountains of the Altai Black crashed helicopter Mi-171 helicopters (Mi-8) airlines 'Gazpromavia', which was carrying three crew and eight passengers. Killed seven people, including envoy President of Russia in the Duma, Alexander Kosopkin. Special resonance, this tragedy has caused ecologists because probable cause of the tragedy in the Altai was hunting from a helicopter, which is prohibited by law and is poaching.