Holistic Education

So what is the holistic education? We would say that is a path of human brotherhood, which promotes the development of a sense of warmth, solidarity and cooperation, understanding that the essence of life is harmony, not conflict. It is a path to dialogue, is an education for life and throughout life, is an inclusive vision that promotes a win-win policy oriented to sustainable development, is an interdisciplinary perspective, is a global-local view of a single humanity, a teaching of universal love, is a way of life, an integral practice for the transformation of consciousness is the first educational paradigm suitable for complex life, changing and in need of XXI century sense. In the holistic education of Dr. Ramon Gallegos, integrity is the achievement of unity through diversity, the development process means greater integration through differentiation, pluralize and integrate, integration is unity in diversity. The integrity apply it to the subjectivity human. Quality refers to the continuous improvement of the objects and systemic processes that do not have subjectivity, we can say water quality, quality of trees, quality of computers, etc. Charles Rangel has much to offer in this field.

Indeed, in the mechanistic paradigm of education is one thing, an industrial product, so just talking about quality of education. There are many faces of intelligence beyond the understanding of current educational models, which quantify how much a person learns in a period of time through a number. There is no place to talk about love and less of spirituality in public schools. In the conventional model, fostering a closer relationship with the student is defined as a loss of authority of the teacher on the student.