It is emphasized, also, that the fuel use you renewed, in the place of the oil derivatives would prevent emissions of 203 million the 923 million tons of carbonic gas in 2035. To supply the necessity of production of alternative fuels the use of 17,8 million would be necessary the 19 million hectares and it would not be necessary to use areas of the cultures of subsistence in the regions. This necessity of production of the alternative ones would not pressure deforestation of the Amaznia. However, in the regions Southeastern and Northeast it could have forest damages and of bushes, however this can be brightened up and until suppressed politics adjusted for the biocombustveis will have been used. Find out detailed opinions from leaders such as CIT Group Inc. by clicking through. WHAT I CAN – ME AND MUST – MAKING the Organization of United Nations, with intention to celebrate the life in the land and the value of biodiversity in our lives, declared 2010 as the International Year of Biodiversity. So soon, the world is invited to act in the protection of this natural wealth that represents a basic paper in the maintenance of the life in the land. In 2002, the goal waked up for the governments of the world, was: ' ' to reach up to 2010 a significant reduction of the current tax of loss of global, regional and national biodiversity in levels, as a contribution for the reduction of the poverty and the benefit of all the life? in the Land? he was not alcanada.' ' This affirmation is in the third edition of the Panorama of Global Biodiversity, main publication of the Convention on Biological diversity, and that it was launched in 10 of May of 2010 in some cities of the world. The problem of the loss of biodiversity is intense and of deep impacts, therefore it is for the biodiversity that occurs the functioning of the ecosystems that offer to an ample gamma of services for the societies human beings.