Gifts From The Vatican

That we imagine when we hear about the Vatican? Pope? The ringing of numerous bells? Smell of incense? Most of us can not imagine any coolness on a hot summer day when a huge tree crown to protect their shadow of winding roads in the park, nor the majestic facades of ancient buildings, or tranquility, which permeated even the smallest particle of the Vatican. Every year, hundreds of thousands of tourists tend to the smallest of the dwarf countries to see and feel everything that was brought up here over the centuries in an atmosphere of holiness and peace. Why go there? What is calling so many people to touch the ancient walls of the state-dwarf? Notice the name itself, puzzles start with him. The Vatican was named after the hills on which it is located, which literally means – "the place of divination." The Catholic Church has never approved of superstition and mysticism, but ironically Center Catholicism is firmly connected with the reprehensible Christian paganism. This state, despite its small size – only 0.44 square meters. km – is surrounded by so many mysteries, is devoted to so many secrets that should only begin to understand them, as is breathtaking even the most skeptical tourist! After learning about the Vatican a little more than your friends, relatives and colleagues, you can give them and a piece of antiquity and wonder, bringing unusual gifts that can only be found in this country. Vatican City – not a place for long walks here only 2 or 3 of the area, several streets, but a lot of parks and gardens. .