By ‘Germany abolishes itself’ ‘Stuttgart 21’, Klaus Stuttmann has that turbulent year 2010 appears together politically at the 01.12.2010 new cartoon book by Klaus Stuttmann titled country under. In his inimitable style, the artist can reminisce about the topics, tasks and personalities of the year: Afghanistan and nuclear – power creates himself off and Stuttgart 21, by Angela Sarrazin, Obama and Westerwelle to Germany. Klaus Stuttmann is one of the most published cartoonists of Germany. His cartoons appear daily in over 20 German daily and weekly newspapers, magazines and journals before an audience of millions. Most people know so his drawings and the book cover with the politicians dream ship has unexpectedly familiar. His stroke is incorruptible clear Stuttmanns views, relentlessly precise and sharply satirical.
The book is a treasure trove for the politically keen contemporary history nossen, who want intelligent laugh and learn smart. “Country under” is the second Stuttmann book switching time Verlag, in “direct sequence to the sold-out annual review 2009 clear announcement”. The satirical annual review 2010 revolves around German politics and international events, comprises 252 pages with 227 caricatures of them over 80 coloration. With this the caricature of Berlusconi which won first prize in the Italian cartoon contest Premio Satira Politica. The foreword is by Klaus Staeck, President of the Berlin Academy of arts. Short reminder texts cover the events of the individual months combined men and summarize the development context of the cartoons. Klaus Stuttmann: Land under! Political cartoons of 2010 published 256 pages, Softcover in the switching time Verlag Berlin ISBN 978-3-941362-08-6 19.90, available in well-stocked bookstores, Christmas market Berlin, at the daily mirror shop, Christmas market Leipzig ticket Gallery.