Federal Constitution Art

However, with the development of the society and the coming of the Renascentista periods and, mainly of the Industrial Revolution, period this where the woman adentrou the work market, was observed that the family lost the status that previously had. The woman also started to contribute for domestic life e, recently, gained legal equality with its spouse or friend. The had children outside of the marriage, before had as illegitimate, now are equal to the had ones inside of the marriage, having equal right to the filiation in the civil register. (VANOSA, 2005) These last ones, with the new constitutional order, had conquered diverse rights that can be observed in art. If you would like to know more then you should visit Amazon. 227, caption, of the Federal Constitution, that makes use: ' ' It is to have of the family, the society and the State to assure to the child and the adolescent, with absolute priority, the right to the life, the health, the feeding, the education, the leisure, to the professionalization, the culture, the dignity, the respect, the freedom and the familiar and communitarian convivncia, beyond placing except for of all form of recklessness, discrimination, exploration, violence, cruelty and opresso.' ' This article, that is the cervical column of all the Brazilian legal guardianship of the child and the adolescent, brought for the jurist the vislumbramento of a new component aspect of the family: the right to the familiar convivncia. As for the guardianship infralegal, ademais, we have art. 1.634 of the Civil Code, that it regulates: ' ' It competes to the parents, how much to the person of the lesser children: I – to direct it to them creation and education; II – to have them in its company and it keeps ' ' The legislator, when including such circumstance in the cited roll, was sufficiently happy, a time that remains proven the necessity that suffers the child to coexist in the seio of a structuralized family, who gives apt conditions to allow the healthy development to it of its character, that is in constant formation. .