In connection with this very important point is your good behavior in a surprise appearance of staff of the supervisory authority. At the same time to visit unexpected guests should be prepared not only to the head, but also those employees who may remain in his absence for seniors or his deputies. As a general rule, any test begins with the announcement of its implementation and presentation of identification cards of persons who are members of the supervisory authority. Carefully read their official identities. If the inspectors do not take out their identity or not give you the opportunity to familiarize themselves with its content, it is a violation on their part. Moreover, without having to ascertain the identity of individuals visiting you and not identifying them as belonging to Rospotrebnadzor employees, you may, in principle, do not let them into the territory of the firm or place of business of the individual entrepreneur. Another important document that should be available for inspection and brought to you for review – is an order to conduct monitoring activities. At the same time note: this requirement is always targeted, that is, must contain the exact name of the audited entity.
Frequent cases where the staff of the supervisory authority comes with a prescription for a specific entity, but to find in a place that operates here as an individual entrepreneur, and his attempt to check activities, too. However, this is a gross violation of the audited entity. For this reason, carefully read these documents and if not found in it the name of your company or your name, be sure to commit such a breach on the part of auditors, and specify that the right to verify your organization or you as an individual entrepreneur they do not, and hence of inspection initially illegal.