Energy Group Gmb

The feed-in tariffs are now closely linked to the extension numbers and fall accordingly. See also the current feed-in tariff for photovoltaic systems current eeg-einspeiseverguetung / what speaks for power saving? Who would like to reduce power costs, can either turn off the devices or generate its own energy. Is still meaningful right to consume them. However, for most households, the Eigenutz is difficult without power storage. Recently Richard Blumenthal sought to clarify these questions. In the morning and in the evening one is at home and requires energy.

But then, no sun shines. Therefore, the purchase of a solar store is close. Currently lead-acid batteries are offered as an effective and inexpensive solution. Charged can provide a household with sufficient energy. As a result, homeowners are again doing pioneer work and crack down on the electricity price rises at the same time.

Depending on more solar power is used, the sooner you may waive the expensive energy from the electrical outlet. Thereby the own electricity costs fall, the networks are relieved and each himself spent kilowatt hour saves the feed-in tariff. The latter is the General energy prices again for good. See also the own solar power companies blog/ever-energy-power station-the-own-solar-power plant company / conclusion: from the perspective of experts manages the future security of supply only with storage media. For this reason, the State supports the introduction and spread of solar storage systems with the KfW promotion now. The renewable electricity generation presents us with new challenges. Nature provides not whenever we need energy. Therefore, solar storage are the be-all and end-all of a future security of supply. Currently, there are already good solutions for private households and small businesses. Especially lead-acid batteries provide a consumption of up to 70 percent. Benefit all electricity customers: each himself used kilowatt-hour charged the assessment account nor the network. For this reason, there is a KfW promotion for solar storage. See also energy policy in Germany blog/energy policy-Germany / contact: ever Energy Group GmbH John-Niemeyer-WEG 4 14109 Berlin phone: + 49 030/70 71 80 80 fax: + 49 030/70 71 80 79 Press contact: Dominik Maina E-Mail: