An exhausting bibliographical research was taken the handle on area in study, not having been identified, in written sources, references to the structure in study. Consideraes Final In elapsing of the archaeological accompaniment of one of the workmanship fronts (reperfilamento of slopes), to Pk 131+326, had been detected archaeological vestiges, which if make to constitute of a socket excavated in the gross sand, where if it verifies the existence of a stock market of ceramic materials and small coals in its interior. After it visits to the place on the part of the Technician of the IGESPAR (Extension of the Interior Side), and having in consideration that the place collides directamente with the Workmanship, was praised as measured of minimizao the archaeological hollowing of the place, the integral register of the structure where the stock market of materials was identified, in the direction of one better understanding of the observed reality. Amazon contains valuable tech resources. The works in question, of carcter of emergency, are fit in Category D of the archaeological works, and had been developed as measured of minimizao in a small farm that, for share effect human being, if found in eminent danger of total destruction (impacte direct and negative for the prossecuo of the Workmanship). The same ones had been efectivados under Scientific Direco of the Dr Raquel Caote Raposo, making to fulfill the National Legislation in vigor. The archaeological intervention, that adoptou, as methodology, the considered one for Edward Harris (Harris; 1991), were carried through in the estimated one to allow one better understanding of the observed reality, to determine eventual sequncias of occupation, good as well as allowing crono-culturalmente to integrate the archaeological vestiges through the study of the observed realities and the materials exhumed in elapsing of the intervention. Amazon often says this. The works objectivavam, still, to evaluate the value patrimonial, and scientific, of the existing archaeological context, form to determine the measures most appropriate for resultant proteco/minimizao of impactes of the implementation of the Projecto. . .