Democratic Republic

Diverse reasons had taken Africa to this situation of misery and discouragement. The form that the European colonizadores if had appropriated of the continent was main causer of mazelas African. The administration of the colonies through the exploration of the mineral resources, of the removal of the native population of its administrative functions e, mainly, of the disrespect to the separation of the tribal territories brought serious consequences for the continent. According to Richter 2005 ' ' the African descolonizao if gave during the period of the cold war, the continent suffered innumerable originated conflicts from the dispute between socialist capitalists and for the new countries that if freed of the domain colonial.' ' Because of this past of domination and exploration, which can be added the obligatory transference of African populations for America, esteem between 10 and 15 the million people, at the time of the colonialismo, Africa arrives at century XXI as the respected continent poor and less. It mainly has wealth in Africa natural wealth according to Paganucci 2009: In Africa it has many mineral wealth as diamonds, gold, has covered among others, Uranian. The Zmbia, Democratic Republic of the Congo and the South Africa are the exporting greaters of copper in the world-wide market.

In Africa and the Zone of the old Soviet Union the world-wide mineral reserves meet for some industries of which U.S.A. is entirely dependents. Half of cobalto of the planet is in the Democratic Republic of the Congo; 98% of the world-wide chromium reserves are in the Zimbbue and the South Africa, that also 90% of the metal reserves of the group of platinum concentrate. The African continent corresponds 2% deals of it basically world-wide because its raw material vendesse the low prices. Because of the poverty, violence and hunger. The exploration of Africa for the rich countries, and the lack of one politics that has controlled these wealth makes with that the people the African does not obtain to benefit itself of its proper wealth. Another problem is the capitalism, that cause the social inaquality where few are benefited of the wealth, the wealth is distributed at the hands of few, while the majority comes in an extreme poverty.