In this manner, the development and the support are contradictory aspects of the process. Where it gave more certain the production of more and more merchandises are where more the nature was come to ruin. (Rodrigues et al. 1998 apud Rasp 2002). Later, in 1992, it was carried through in Rio De Janeiro, second Conferencia of United Nations on Environment that was known as Echo. Of this conference, that congregated 118 governing more than and more than 15 a thousand not governmental organizations, the signature of the Declaration of the River resulted Picture on Climatic Changes and of Agenda 21.
Agenda 21 is a document that deals with the most varied subjects as sanitation, demography, health, garbage, pollution, transports and energy. They will count four sections, 40 chapters and more than one hundred programs, by means of which the signatory governments had intended to establish a plan of action for global the sustainable development in century XXI. ‘ ‘ He is one of the most extensive and formal reconhecimentos of the socioambientais rights already registered by the Internacional Right; ‘ first intitled ' ' Result of Nacional' Consultation; ' as of ' ' Prioritrias' action; ' , that they will count a platform with 21 actions that are indispensable to give account of the challenge of the support in the parents. Between these actions, the promotion of sustainable agriculture, the preservation and improvement of the quality of the water are enumerated, the universalizao of the ambient sanitation, the combat to the culture of wastefulness and the democratic participation, that are some of the proposals of the subject of this work. 3 – ORIGINS OF the PERMACULTURA the Permacultura was developed in the decade of 1970, in the island of the Tasmnia, the Oceania, for the Biogegrafo Bill Mollison and its university pupil David Holmgren. The idea was developed in reply the reduction of the fauna and the flora in the interior of Australia in virtue of the industrial system and agricultural conventional who, at that time, already revealed unsustainable degradantes and.