Chucorampi. The kingdom of piglets Erase a town different from the others, at first glance might not have noticed all the details that a watchful eye if he had noticed. They would have noticed streets all well put the carved stone. Their houses all inhabited. They were developing all Chucorampi runes they had a nickname very particular and very long. The bar door guard donkeys Chiclayo and steals on the roof.
The paradox described the naivete of his character and his parsimony to do things. They liked to entertain the chickens running entering their yards, but not to kill, but to frighten them away. But an event occurred that put hands and feet all having received the curse of Catequil, for having an affront to the Sapa Inca who was born in its territory, preferring to one they called deer, having much luck in that his wife go to another and brought him, begging him to return home. Therefore Catequil reason and knowledge given to all animals of the region, displacing the runes in the government of Chucorampi. All animals living in Chucorampi once took reason and knowledge, the government decided to take his small town, so much so that the sheep named as members of the board to chair the elections. Some suggested that they called deer rune be named as a member too, but all at one objected, for they saw that it was very goofy and weeping. But all the kids called for it, they said that its board had appreciated the runes of deer to make the offense Apu Grand Sapa Inka and thus all animals now had the power to have the people's government.