Career Coaching

Career concerns everyone. This first Congress should address on December 5, 2008 in the exhibition hall in Friedrichshafen, all working people, from the employees about the Freelancer to the entrepreneur. The word career is not only for the professional career of each person, but also for his personal career. Only, this is still new for many. Not only products need to stand out from the crowd, if they are to be purchased. People, no matter whether man or woman, must on your career ladder, in the professional as well as private, their uniqueness prove. On this day, speakers from different areas of economic life will share their knowledge and skills to the participants. The focus is to convey impulses.

Suggestions appear on the participants, as they have targets to tackle in the future, to find the right path to success. You should deal at home continuing with the topic. The event is under the patronage of Next.Step.Approach. It is an institution whose Aims at the further development of the participants. Workshops used those impulses, which are available at each start. Read more here: Jim Donovan Goldman Sachs. This applies to use it and connect to the ideas of the career ladder in one’s life. Kristina Schneider Irudayam, himself an entrepreneur and an active NetWorker has called this institution in the life and held the career-coaching-Congress for the first time. Congress sets itself apart because of other events, that really from the speakers in workshops applicable pulses are used, which the participants can easily transferred to your own life goal”, says Schneider Irudayam.

Sabine Asgodom is one of the best-known speakers speakers. Self-praise is more success with their title through self-PR will ask those present, to jump over the own shadow and to climb the career ladder with self-PR. Andre Daiyu Steiner calls up the mindfulness, which leads to the happy and successful life. Gabriele Schendl Gallhofer white: of course I want the success or? “.” Turn the profession a Appeal and this will bring you even at the top pointing out Dr. Petra Bock.