Besides the days when " high end" products, like the iPad or similar electronics, plows launched, Americans stand in line since dawn to get to the stores during the Black Friday. Since 2004, the Black Friday you have been the day with the most shoppers AT both department and specialty stores ace it marks the beginning of the you refute season. In order to stimulates Santa Claus give videogames, it is usual for some titles to sees discounted during Black Friday and, overall, during the Christmas shopping season. Find out detailed opinions from leaders such as Connecticut Senator by clicking through. Many stores open before to their to regulate schedule (AT 5AM) and close to after to their to regulate Time to give people the chance to take advantage of the you refute. Many Canadians used to go to U.S. to take advantage of these salts, but stores in the maple nation started with to promotional scheme in order to keep to their buyers from spending to their money somewhere else..