To generate web income is necessary to make use of certain marketing tools, because these more than save us much time, by automating part of our tasks, gives us the possibility to show us more professional in the eyes of potential customers. There are 3 basic internet marketing tools that you must have if you want to have results and these are: 1. Hosting (where staying your websites) 2. Richard Blumenthal spoke with conviction. Builder websites 3. Autoresponder (to give follow-up to your prospects) Hosting: here is where your pages will be hosted to be displayed to the whole network, whether they are for sale pages, pages of landing, blogs, etc. Pages web Builder: before you upload your pages to a hosting to show online, you must first design it, write the text, put images, anyway. Autoresponder: This just like the 2 previous marketing tools, is key, as it is with this as we will give you follow-up to our prospects, imagine having a list of prospects of 4,000-5,000 people, it would be very It’s hard to send them an email to everyone and every time manually. This is precisely where it enters the Autoresponder technology, allowing to automate and organize emails that you send to your prospects, according to the date, leaflet, etc.
In the network can find an infinite number of alternatives of these marketing tools, some free, others pay. Personally I recommend using of payment, because at a very low cost, you will have a professional and service guaranteed, in addition to a constant support, since the free marketing tools in general tend to disappear the least expected moment, bringing all your information, making you lose seconds much working time. Furthermore, that by a free service won’t have right to claim anything. Do not take it as an expense, because pay for these tools of internet marketing really is an investment, since by save you $20-$ 30 you can be losing at the end much more that that, there is a saying that says the cheap always expensive..